In live your best life/ Momma Love/ Uncategorized/ Wednesday Wellness

See Something, Say Something

My whole heart is heavy. I’m treating this beautiful young sister in here for a “fall.” That’s what she told them in triage and they ran with it. 
I look at her, her lip is busted, several abrasions on her face, swollen black eye, bleeding from her ear, and she can’t really open her mouth.
So I asked her what happened. 

They were fighting and he pushed her down the stairs. He said he was sorry….
She hadn’t called the police and didn’t want to call them. 

She says she is safe at home, but moments later asking for info on a shelter. 
Her jaw is broken in 2 places and several teeth are also broken, in addition to the bruises and cuts to her face…..
So sad that she’s not in a place(mentally, spiritually) to receive help. 

Review of her chart revealed lots of “falls” and injuries in he past few years.

“Luckily” for her, she has to have the jaw surgically repaired, so she will atleast be in the hospital for the next few days… I’m so glad I didn’t have to discharge this young lady…
This is happening all over this country right now. 

Perhaps to you or to someone you know. 
Please like and share this. Not for me, but for her…All of the “hers” who are living this nightmare.
If you or someone you know needs help, here’s some info. 

800-799-SAFE (7233)



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